70°F to 78°F temperature, 7.0-8.0 pH, 10-25 dGH, and zero ammonia and nitrite are important for keeping happy and healthy platy fish.

Caves, driftwood and plants can be used to create hiding spots for platies to hide from aggressive tank mates, spawn, and minimize stress.

Daphnia, brine shrimp, bloodworms, and microworms are nutritious live food choices that will add protein and enrichment to a platy’s diet.

Wagtail, Tuxedo, Panda, Comet, Sunburst and Mickey Mouse are some of the most popular platycolor varieties. Here’s what they look like.

10-gallon tanks, live plants, adequate filtration and moderate lighting are ideal for keeping healthy platies. But there are more factors.

Platy fish are a fun and colorful fish that are becoming increasingly popular in the fishkeeping hobby. Although these livebearers can be a great addition to most community tanks, many people experience issues when their water parameters are not on point.

Platies are a freshwater fish in the Xiphophorus genus that are very popular in the fishkeeping hobby due to their abundance and ease of care. Platy fish are considered livebearers because they give birth to live fry instead of laying eggs like most species.

Platy fish are omnivores, which means they will eat food that originates from both plants and animals. This includes most pellets, flakes, freeze dried foods, frozen foods, fruits, vegetables and even cooked and unseasoned meat.

It’s likely that every fishkeeper will experience aggressive fish at some point or another. This is true for platy fish owners, as well as most other fish species.

Platies are a livebearing freshwater topical fish species that give birth to as many as 90 babies each pregnancy. This article will dive into the most common questions about caring foor pregnant platy fish.

A group of 6 or more platies will often be happier and healthier. It’s important to keep them in a ratio of at least 3 females for every 1 male to reduce pestering and aggression. They can be kept peacefully among many other community fish species.


227, 25 Auburn Meadows Avenue SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T3M 2L3