How to cycle an aquarium with a sponge filter

A sponge filter is an excellent tool for establishing a nitrogen cycle in a freshwater aquarium. The porous sponge material provides a large surface area for beneficial aerobic bacteria to colonize.

Optimal Platy Water Parameters: Temperature, pH, GH, more

Platy fish are a fun and colorful fish that are becoming increasingly popular in the fishkeeping hobby. Although these livebearers can be a great addition to most community tanks, many people experience issues when their water parameters are not on point.

Ultimate Platy Fish Care Guide: Food, Parameters, Tank

Platies are a freshwater fish in the Xiphophorus genus that are very popular in the fishkeeping hobby due to their abundance and ease of care. Platy fish are considered livebearers because they give birth to live fry instead of laying eggs like most species.

Ultimate Platy Feeding Guide: Algae, Vegetables, Pellets

Platy fish are omnivores, which means they will eat food that originates from both plants and animals. This includes most pellets, flakes, freeze dried foods, frozen foods, fruits, vegetables and even cooked and unseasoned meat.

How Many Platies Should Be Kept Together? Ratio, Gender, More

A group of 6 or more platies will often be happier and healthier. It’s important to keep them in a ratio of at least 3 females for every 1 male to reduce pestering and aggression. They can be kept peacefully among many other community fish species.

Do Aquarium Plants Need Special Substrate?

Most aquarium plants grow best in nutrient-rich substrate that contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Inert substrates can be supplemented with monthly root tab fertilization. Epiphyte and floating plants do not require substrate at all.

Can You Put Sand Over Substrate?

A layer of sand can be put over other aquarium substrate to make it easier to plant it, to achieve a specific look, and to promote the growth of beneficial anaerobic bacteria. Blasting sand, pool filter sand, commercial aquarium sand and other sand varieties can be safely used as sand caps.

How do you layer a planted aquarium substrate?

It’s best to have a 1 to 2-inch layer of nutrient rich substrate as the base layer, capped with a 1 to 2-inch layer of insert sand or gravel. A thicker cap layer is important for dirted tanks to prevent it from leeching into the water column.

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